Palladium Super Interactive Game Development

Highline Volleyball VR official game website
Steam page (Free Demo available)
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We're fully immersed in crafting our latest game
Highline Volleyball VR
The game is available as an early access on Steam
  Plus, we're also starting an early work on other exciting game prototypes
and are open to collaborations, so keep an eye out!


This is our first virtual reality game that is available on Steam.
We published the Early Access in May 2022, and the game is continuously improving since then
Explore our official game website to discover all the exciting features we have to offer.

Add the game to your steam wishlist or buy the early access to support us.


Palladium Super Interactive is a creative and expert game development studio
Based in the wonderfull city of Lyon in France since 2017.
We specialize in delivering innovative and high-quality gaming experiences.
We are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in game design and development.
We're always open to exciting collaborations with publishers and partners.

Let's create something fun and extraordinary together!


Please use the contact form on the Highline Volleyball VR official website